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 What arts and crafts do you do?

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2 posters

Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

What arts and crafts do you do? Empty
PostSubject: What arts and crafts do you do?   What arts and crafts do you do? I_icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm

So, there must be some arts and crafts people around here?

If you do arts and crafts, what is it that you do?

I personally like to do quite a few things. I love card making, rubber
stamps, scrap booking, photography, sketching, painting, collage,
doodling, textiles, jewellery making... I could go on!

Post here if you want to show off what it is that you do and maybe you can inspire others to follow in your projects?
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Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2014-09-08

What arts and crafts do you do? Empty
PostSubject: Online Game Called InWorldz   What arts and crafts do you do? I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2014 4:35 am

I and a partner from Argentina create products for a online game called InWorldz. We create everything from houses to landscape materials. A lot of our creations come from the Medieval period. But also do Modern designs. We create anything anyone wants to purchase for their lands and sims. They are 3D objects you can walk around enter  and use since we also script  them for your Avatars to be able to use. D'Avaria Designs  is the name of our inworld shop. where you can come and see the designs before purchasing. In the real world I draw and sketch. Also make jewelery from old copper pieces i find from leftover plumbing projects.  I hand hammer them into bracelets and even add stonework too some. I also write Poetry and short stories. The short stories i am considering to  use in the Virtual worlds with actors and sets to create animations for Children stories to be viewed on tablets. I will try too upload some images of some of the designs we create here.
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