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 Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons

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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

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PostSubject: Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons   Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons I_icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2011 6:08 pm

Alright this thread took me well over an hour to make so enjoy.

I've been talking with several people lately about the quality of
Blu-Ray vs DVD picture quality. A lot of people say DVD is "fine" but
it's not until they see a side by side that they really realize how much
better Blu-Ray is.

Some people just look for a "big" picture but that's only half of the
equation. Your picture can be as big as the biggest TV money can buy,
but with a bigger TV you aren't going to see a single ounce of better
quality unless your original image is better quality to begin with. DVD
images are smaller to begin with so if you run a DVD player on a big
screen TV you are just going to stretch your image. This is the same
with Blu-Ray, but you'll be stretching a higher quality image, which is
why Blu-Ray can look crisper on bigger TV's than a DVD can.

On a true high definition TV, here's how both would look in full screen.
I made the following screenshots from Blu-Ray HD quality. The DVD side
was lowered to DVD resolution.

Blu-Ray has 1920 lines of vertical resolution while DVD has only 720, give or take for each depending on the widescreen format.

Clearly the argument that Blu-Ray quality isn't much better than DVD quality is a poor one. Here is my evidence on the contrary:

Click on each image for the full size HD
version. If your browser auto shrinks them you'll have to click the
magnifying glass over them to zoom to full size. You won't see the
difference if you view them shrunken down.

Let the imagas load for a minute. There are several of them and they are
pretty big files since they are HD size (well half). If they are too
big for your screen size then center the middle line for the best
comparison and scroll down.

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_01

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_02

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_03

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_04

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_05

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_06

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_small_07

Yeah, Blu-Ray is not only noticeably better, it's WAY better. I
personally haven't purchased a single DVD since Blu-Ray came out. Sure
Blu-Ray is more expensive but as you can see you're getting a much
higher quality product as well.

And just for fun, here's a three way comparison of Blu-Ray, DVD, and VHS.

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Bluray_vs_dvd_vs_vhs_small_01
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2011-10-20

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons   Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 29, 2011 9:44 am

There are only 2 blu-ray disks in my house, mainly cause the only BluRay players are the PS3's and neither of which are hooked up to the front TV.

If I had my way I would have been buying nothing but BluRay... but as it goes I'm not in charge of that part
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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons   Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2011 3:23 pm

I don't really see the point in blue ray really but that's my opinion Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons   Blu-Ray vs. DVD Side by Side Picture Comparisons I_icon_minitime

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