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 Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat

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Number of posts : 9
Registration date : 2011-05-27

Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat  Empty
PostSubject: Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat    Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat  I_icon_minitimeFri May 27, 2011 6:32 pm

Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat  65392234

For sale Skate form Mamas and Papas with Primo Viaggio car seat.
Black with green linning, fully washable.
Pram is used but still in good condition, usual scratches on frame from
folding and wear on tyres but nothing major. Only main logo from handle
has been lost as it was only glued. Foam handle intact.
Included in sale:
pram with rain cover
cup holder
car seat with rain cover
I should have pump for tyres somewhere but as we moved at the moment I cant find, will include if found.
Viewing more than welcome, location Preston - PR1

more info:
any questions do not hesitate to ask, open to reasonable offers.
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Mamas and Papas Skete with car seat
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