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 Colne teenager given lifesaver award

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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

Colne teenager given lifesaver award Empty
PostSubject: Colne teenager given lifesaver award   Colne teenager given lifesaver award I_icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2011 10:03 am

AN heroic teenager who saved his mum’s life by giving first aid when
she fell down the stairs has scooped a national award from the St John

Quick-thinking Thomas Garnett, 15, flew into action when his mum
Yvonne tripped and fell head first down 14 stairs at their home in
Higgin Street, Colne.

She suffered head and arm injuries in the fall and was struggling to breathe properly.

But Thomas, who was just 14 when the incident occurred, in March last year, drew on first aid training received from St John
Ambulance while in the Nelson Air Cadets.

He protected his mum’s arm with blankets, supported her head and ordered his dad to call an ambulance.

The Primet High School-pupil was presented with one of 20 Young First
Aider of the Year awards at a ceremony at St John House in London.

He said: “I’m really excited and proud to have won this award and I’m
so glad that I had done the first aid course with the Air Cadets and was
able to help my mum.

“It is such an easy and useful skill that anyone, of any age, can have and I would recommend everyone to learn it.”

Thomas looked after his mum until paramedics arrived and took her to
Royal Blackburn Hospital, where she was treated for several breaks and

She has since had two operations on her arm.

Yvonne said: “In a very scary situation Tom was a true lifesaver. He
was absolutely amazing and myself and his dad are so very proud of him.”

Thomas was presented with the award by actor Warwick Davis, who has
appeared in films such as Willow and the Chronicles of Narnia.

He is also a senior volunteer for St John Ambulance in Cambridgeshire.

Warwick said: “These courageous young people who have been awarded
today have shown how invaluable first aid skills are and that they truly
can be the difference between a life lost and a life
saved. I hope they’re an inspiration to others, and encourage more
people to learn this important skill.”
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