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 Crackdown on Chorley housing cheats

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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

Crackdown on Chorley housing cheats Empty
PostSubject: Crackdown on Chorley housing cheats   Crackdown on Chorley housing cheats I_icon_minitimeThu May 26, 2011 9:12 pm

A crackdown on social housing cheats in Chorley has begun.

It will target people who use a variety of unlawful ways to rent
properties and prevent deserving people on the housing register from
being found homes.

A hotline for people to report suspected fraud is being set up and
housing staff will be taking part in a legal refresher course.

Both the council and Chorley Community Housing will also be assessing
how the various housing associations in Chorley tackle tenancy fraud as
well as giving out practical advice and tips on how to
check for tenancy cheats.

The exercise will be led by Kate Sullivan who is the Tenancy Fraud
Manager for Adactus Housing Group, which is the parent company of CCH.

She said: “Tenancy cheats are costing housing associations thousands
of pounds and they’re often defrauding the taxpayer by claiming benefits
they’re not entitled to.

“More importantly, a house that could be let to someone in real housing need is often occupied by someone who has lied to get it.

“People who have cheated to get a tenancy will continue to lie in
order to hold onto it and housing associations need to do a bit of
detective work to catch them out.”

The crackdown will culminate in a Catch a Cheat Week, which will take place once front line staff have received specialised training.

Councillor Alan Cullens, who oversees housing issues for Chorley
Council, said: “The crackdown will better equip staff to deal with the
issues and quickly identify housing cheats. It’s not fair
when people lie to get a property that could be given to someone in greater need.”

Anyone wanting to report tenancy fraud in Chorley should ring 01257 244800.
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