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 Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED

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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED Empty
PostSubject: Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED   Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 5:02 pm

Merseyside Police executed a warrant at a address in Lathom Road this afternoon as part of a force wide operation on cannabis cultivation.

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Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED Lathom-road_drugs02

Cannabis farm - Lathom Road Southport-UPDATED Lathom-road_drugs01


Merseyside Police, as part of a regional month-long operation to target cannabis cultivation, executed 21 warrants across the region yesterday. (Monday, 5 March).

As a result, officers discovered seven cannabis farms, yielding around 1,180 plants in total and the arrest of 11 people. Two large farms with a total of more than 500 plants were found in Southport and Anfield.

Throughout the next month, officers across the region will be carrying out a range of robust policing activities, which will include a number of strike days aimed at tackling the issue of cultivation. Officers will also be working to highlight the dangers of cannabis cultivation and urging members of the community who suspect cannabis is being grown in their neighbourhoods to call police.

Superintendent Mark Harrison said: "We're pleased with the results of our first day of action, and hope this sends out a strong message - if you are involved in the cultivation of cannabis, you should expect a visit from our officers.

"An increasing number of people who grow cannabis are directly funding dangerous, organised criminal gangs. These gangs are often responsible for gun crime, violence and intimidation across the North West.

"As well as enforcement, officers will be working with other agencies to raise awareness and educate people about the harm that cannabis can bring to communities.

"The public of the North West are our eyes and ears and we appeal to anyone with any information about cannabis cultivation in their area to make contact during this month of action and beyond. We will act on all information provided to us to ensure that those involved in the cultivation of cannabis are brought to justice."

Anyone with information about cannabis cultivation in their area is asked to contact officers via 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
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