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 Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery

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Male Number of posts : 451
Location : Lancashire
Registration date : 2008-02-02

Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery Empty
PostSubject: Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery   Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 07, 2012 5:56 pm

George Keates 77 from Southport is celebrating today after scooping a massive £3,507,769 with one of his first ever lottery ticket purchases.

George hit the jackpot in the February 29th draw.

The ticket George bought was a lucky dip and is only the 10th occasion he has entered the lottery.

George has been married to his wife Beryl for 57 years and they have four sons,nine grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery Lottery-southport_winners03

Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery Lottery-southport_winners02

George purchased his ticket from Costcutter in Sussex Road.He plans to visit friends in Australia with his win and also buy a new house in the Southport area.

His winning numbers were 13,14,29,41,46 and 49.

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Southport Great Grandad Wins £3,507,769 On The Lottery
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